The Whole Artist mastery Community

Whole Artist Mastery founder Marianne Mitchell and I co-host a virtual platform we built to foster connection and confidence among artists from around the world.

It’s called The Whole Artist Mastery Community.

It's completely independent, focused and free of algorithms, ads, trolls and other interferences. In other words, it’s not a Facebook group. It’s powered by Mighty Networks community building software.

A professional artist of more than 40 years herself, Marianne has mentored countless artists in uncovering their artistic voice and deepening their art practice through her workshops, courses and mentorship programs. I have been one of her mentorship program artists.

Having experienced Marianne’s kind, wise and nurturing mentorship and being a recent corporate expat, I joined her in business to grow visibility for Whole Artist Mastery.

We started the Whole Artist Mastery YouTube Channel, and began the process of reaching even more artists looking for guidance and perspective in identifying their artistic voice and making compelling work. That has been an exciting journey and the channel continues to flourish.

One of the things we’ve discovered is how much artists want and need community, a place to share work, exchange ideas and get and give support.

Making art can be a solitary endeavor and while solitude can be heavenly it can also be lonely at times. Even the most introverted or reserved among us appreciates the fellowship of others who share our passion for making and learning about art.

Does that sound like you?

Could you and your art practice use a little inspiration, conversation and camaraderie?

Click Here to Join

In his book Show Your Work, Austin Kleon, author of Steal Like An Artist, writes about the fallacy of the lone genius. 

If we look back closely, we discover such geniuses were actually part of communities of people who were "supporting each other, looking at each other's work, copying from each other, stealing ideas and contributing ideas," he says. 

He goes on and notes, "Creativity is always in some sense a collaboration, the result of a mind connected to other minds."  

We created the Whole Artist Mastery Community the spirit of hearts and minds connecting in art. 

Inside the Whole Artist Mastery Community you'll find

  • Connection and interaction with other artists  

  • Ongoing support in evolving your artistic voice and practice

  • Real-time online events including studio hours and Q&As as well as group exploratory sessions about color, tools and techniques and more

  • Access to all recorded WAM courses - a $300 value - including the Grammar of Visual Language, Simplifying Color for Painters and Entering Abstraction with Oil Pastels

  • Early enrollment and promotions on new offerings

  • Live online discussions about art-related happenings and topics

  • Guest artist talks, studio tours, tips and more

  • Interviews with representatives from paint, medium, paper and tool makers

  • Curated resources including books and podcasts and art supply discounts

  • And other great stuff we come up with along the way!

We Come Together Real Time Online

No worries though…we record our events too so you can watch later

We Share Our Art Work, Adventures & Ideas

We contribute what we can, when we can.

It’s not a race. It’s not a competition. It’s not social media.

It’s community.

Click Here to Join! We’d love to have you!