Artist Statement

I paint to explore ideas and certain themes consistently capture my attention … solitude, wabi sabi (impermanence, imperfection, incompleteness) and openness and neutrality...the middle ground. 

Each painting feels a bit like a road trip, a little adventure. I have a loose sense of direction with an openness to new experiences and ideas along the way to an unknown destination.

Typically, I start with wild, bright, clear colors in masses of shape, line and texture and then range back and forth, layer upon layer, between loud and quiet, excess and restraint, chaos and calm responding to what emerges to finally “find” the finished piece.

Nature in general, landscape and skyscape in particular, inform the structure and aesthetic of my paintings. I find that despite all of nature’s complexity and chaos, there is an underlying simplicity and rhythm to it. Day, night, dusk, dawn. The seasons. The weather. The masses of color and texture - sky, land, sea. Decay and rebirth. I’ve noticed I seem to search for a similar balance of simplicity and complexity in my paintings and in my life.

This all said, paintings become reflections and projections of the painter and the viewer, and these pieces are very much open to your personal interpretation and experience. See what you see and feel what you feel. Thank you for your interest.

Neutrality & Openness

The nuanced, complex, generous “gray” between & within opposites: bad / good, right / wrong, light / dark, feminine / masculine, life / death


Solitude, and how time spent alone is rewarding, enriching and impactful to our relati world view. than time the conscious & subconscious and how these play out in painting, life & potentially death

Wabi Sabi

The beauty, possibility & honesty in what’s impermanent, imperfect, incomplete & inconspicuous

A craftsman knows in advance what the finished result will be while the artist knows only what it will be when he has finished it. — W.H. Auden



I took up abstract art as creative outlet and path towards personal fulfillment. I started watching videos and making art - painting, collage, mixed media and more. I couldn’t get enough and still can’t. Making art has it all: thinking, searching, analyzing, questioning, problem-solving, expressing. It’s a fascinating, never-ending learning experience that’s always enriching. In my view, creating of any kind shows us who we are and helps make us, and the world, better.